Necklace Kits
Create a necklace using pre-knitted narrow wire strips.
A knitting machine is not required.
A knitting machine is not required.
They are quick and easy and suitable for children to make.
A kit or a finished necklace makes a unique, lightweight and easy to post gift.
A kit or a finished necklace makes a unique, lightweight and easy to post gift.
Pre – knitted wire necklace kits £6 each (Kit 4 is £5)
Each kit includes:
Pre-knitted wire strips
A clasp to fasten your necklace
Glue is not supplied. I recommend a 2 part epoxy resin such as Araldite to glue the findings to the jewellery.
You can also purchase extra 50cm lengths for £1.30 each.
Step 1 Choose your design
KIT 1 This kit contains 4 pre-knitted wire strips in up to 4 different colours. It is a very easy to work braiding pattern. I have used 4 different colours in the necklace shown here, but you could choose 2 strips in each of 2 colours.
KIT 2 This kit contains 4 pre-knitted wire strips in 2 different colours. The necklace is made by braiding 2 different colours to reveal an interesting diagonal pattern in the braiding which is very easy to work. Can also be made in 4 different colours for a woven look.
KIT 3 This kit contains 4 pre-knitted wire strips in up to 4 different colours. The necklace is made by braiding 4 different colours with an extra central twist in the braiding pattern. I have used 4 colours in the necklace shown here, but you could choose 2 strips in each of 2 colours.
KIT 4 This kit contains 3 pre-knitted wire strips in 3 different colours. The necklace is made by using 2 different techniques of braiding and folding along the length of the necklace to taper the ends of the necklace
Step 2 Choose your colours
Choose the colours of wire you'd like from here.
Top row
Wine, Red, Silver, Champagne, Supa Jade, Green
Middle row
Light Gold, Warm Gold, Blue, Chartreuse, Emerald, Leaf Green
Bottom Row
Supa Lilac , Dark purple, Dark Blue, Gunmetal, Brown, Black
Supa Lilac is no longer available
Step 3 Choose either gold or silver plated findings
Gold Findings
Silver Findings
Textured findings are shown here (Textures may vary)
13mm size for kits 1-3 and 8mm or round fittings for kit 4
For an extra 50p, magnetic clasps are available.
Email to order, listing the Kit number, colours of wire and findings. I'll confirm the order and send a PayPal invoice.
These kits are also currently being sold in The Textile Emporium at the Ruddington Framework Knitters' Museum